
broadcast broadcast(bytes32 schainHash, uint256 nodeIndex, struct G2Operations.G2Point[] verificationVector, struct SkaleDKG.KeyShare[] secretKeyContribution, contract ContractManager contractManager, mapping(bytes32 => struct SkaleDKG.Channel) channels, mapping(bytes32 => struct SkaleDKG.ProcessDKG) dkgProcess, mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => bytes32)) hashedData) external

Broadcasts verification vector and secret key contribution to all other nodes in the group.

Emits BroadcastAndKeyShare event.


  • msg.sender must have an associated node.

  • verificationVector must be a certain length.

  • secretKeyContribution length must be equal to number of nodes in group.

getT getT(uint256 n) → uint256 public

BroadcastAndKeyShare BroadcastAndKeyShare(bytes32 schainHash, uint256 fromNode, struct G2Operations.G2Point[] verificationVector, struct SkaleDKG.KeyShare[] secretKeyContribution) event

Emitted when a node broadcasts key share.