
complaint complaint(bytes32 schainHash, uint256 fromNodeIndex, uint256 toNodeIndex, contract ContractManager contractManager, mapping(bytes32 => struct SkaleDKG.Channel) channels, mapping(bytes32 => struct SkaleDKG.ComplaintData) complaints, mapping(bytes32 => uint256) startAlrightTimestamp) external

Creates a complaint from a node (accuser) to a given node. The accusing node must broadcast additional parameters within 1800 blocks.

Emits ComplaintSent or ComplaintError event.


  • msg.sender must have an associated node.

complaintBadData complaintBadData(bytes32 schainHash, uint256 fromNodeIndex, uint256 toNodeIndex, contract ContractManager contractManager, mapping(bytes32 => struct SkaleDKG.ComplaintData) complaints) external

ComplaintError ComplaintError(string error) event

Emitted when an incorrect complaint is sent.

ComplaintSent ComplaintSent(bytes32 schainHash, uint256 fromNodeIndex, uint256 toNodeIndex) event

Emitted when a complaint is sent.