Dynamic NFT Creation
The following recipe will guide you down an in-depth process around not only using on-chain randomness, but also around using the blockchain for more that the average NFT does. If you are new to SKALE, heade over to the Introduction to learn more and if you are new to Solidity, checkout the new Solidity 101 section to get up and running quickly.
The following recipe will make use of a number of different packages, technologies, and tools:
Node.js for Deploying and Interacting with contracts
Hardhat for Smart Contract Development, Deployment, and Interaction
Community Packages such as SKALE RNG
SKALE Chaos Testnet
This recipe has three sections: Setup, Contracts, and Mint. Each section will be a mini-recipe that links to the previous section.
This section will focus on setting up the project. You must have Node.js installed on your computer.
Create Project Directories
To start, run the following in your command prompt:
mkdir dynamic-nft-creation dynamic-nft-creation/smart-contracts && cd dynamic-nft-creation/smart-contracts
In the final section we will create a folder for the frontend (dApp), however, for now this will allow us to start.
Create Hardhat Project
Next run
npx hardhat
in your command prompt. If you do not have Hardhat installed globally you will need to accept first. If you do then you should see three (3) options to create a new Hardhat project in your current directory. For this Recipe we will be using TypeScript. Select the second option Create a Typescript Project and press enter at each prompt to create the hardhat project in your smart-contracts directory with the .gitignore file and all of the dependencies.
Cleanup the Project
The next step is to cleanup the project since it comes with a few defaults that we don’t want in there.
Run the following to remove the unnecessary default files and the scripts folder:
rm contracts/Lock.sol scripts/deploy.ts test/Lock.ts && rmdir scripts
Next run the following to add in the files and folders that we want:
mkdir deploy && touch contracts/DynamicNFT.sol contracts/SVG.sol contracts/Encoder.sol test/DynamicNFT.ts deploy/deploy.ts
Install Necessary Dependencies
Run the following in your command prompt to install the packages we will use:
npm add @openzeppelin/contracts @dirtroad/skale-rng dotenv && npm add -D hardhat-deploy hardhat-deploy-ethers
@openzeppelin/contracts - Battle-tested smart contract contracts and libraries
@dirtroad/skale-rng - SKALE Random Number Generator Smart Contract
dotenv - Access to the environment within scripts. Will use values from the .env file
hardhat-deploy & hardhat-deploy-ethers - Hardhat plugins to simplify contract deployment and post-deployment access
Configure Hardhat
This section will cover setting up the Hardhat Configuration file. Open the hardhat.config.ts file in your favorite editor or command prompt. Update it so that it looks the same as the following:
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "hardhat-deploy";
import "hardhat-deploy-ethers";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
* Allows the script to access process.env
* This section checks for a PRIVATE_KEY value in the .env file
* If no value is found it will throw the error
const PRIVATE_KEY: string | undefined = (process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string | undefined);
throw new Error("Private Key Not Found");
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
defaultNetwork: "chaos",
solidity: "0.8.19",
namedAccounts: {
deployer: 0
networks: {
chaos: {
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
url: "https://staging-v3.skalenodes.com/v1/staging-fast-active-bellatrix"
export default config;
Add Private Key
Now that the Hardhat Configuration file is setup properly, create an Environment Variables file in the root of the directory.
touch .env
Inside this file, add a single line for the PRIVATE_KEY. Add in your private key to this field after the equals sign.
Make sure that your .gitignore file contains .env on one of the lines. If you followed this section from the start it should already be included. This will ensure that your private key is not checked into version control. |
The private key should not start with 0x. |
Contract Development
The following section will take you through a number of steps to create a NFT smart contract that uses an on-chain SVG with random number values when new assets are created.
Initialize the Smart Contract
Open the DynamicNFT.sol file in your editor or command prompt. Start by adding the following so that your file holds the following content:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
contract DynamicNFT {}
The first line sets the license of the source code of the file.
The second line specifies the Solidity version. This should match the value in your hardhat.config.ts file.
The final line is the actual contract which is empty for now.
Inherit the Necessary Contracts and Libraries
The next step is to add in the necessary contracts and libraries to the existing contract. In this step we will be adding contracts and libraries from the OpenZeppelin package as well as adding the community RNG smart contract.
The smart contract should now look like the following:
Click to show the code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@dirtroad/skale-rng/contracts/RNG.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
contract DynamicNFT is RNG, ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl {
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
Counters.Counter private _tokenIdCounter;
constructor() ERC721("DynamicNFT", "DNFT") {
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
_grantRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender);
function safeMint(address to, string memory uri) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
uint256 tokenId = _tokenIdCounter.current();
_safeMint(to, tokenId);
_setTokenURI(tokenId, uri);
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, uint256 batchSize)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId, batchSize);
function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage) {
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage)
returns (string memory)
return super.tokenURI(tokenId);
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl)
returns (bool)
return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
In this section we have added many lines of code, so let’s discuss what does what. To start, all of the added imports at the top allow us to access the various OpenZeppelin and RNG contracts we want to use.
From OpenZeppelin we have included the ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, and ERC721URIStorage contracts. This provides all of the code needed to make a fully functional NFT contract.
Additionally, we have added the OpenZeppelin AccessControl control which allows the contract to have different roles such as Owners, Minters, etc. You can see this in use where the MINTER_ROLE has been added at the top of the contract.
Lastly, we have added the Counter utility contract which provides a very simple counter that can be used to handle getting the next tokenId when an asset is minted. You can also see this in use at the top of the contract where it has been imported with the using statement and then initialized.
We have also added the RNG contract from the Dirt Road Dev library. This will mean that the smart contract can access random numbers on-chain.
Finally, we have added a number of overridden functions. These functions are necessary due to the duplicate functions within the ERC721 contracts. We will ignore all of these for now and cover them again in future sections.
On-Chain SVG
When building on SKALE you are able to deploy very large contracts thanks to the gas block limit. Combined with zero gas fees, putting the graphics and the metadata for an NFT on-chain with SKALE is a no-brainer.
For this section let’s start by walking through the on-chain SVG portion. The SVG we will be using is the following:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="300" height="300">
<radialGradient id="planetGradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:#aaaaaa;stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#666666;stop-opacity:1" />
<radialGradient id="moon1Gradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:#ffcc00;stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#ff9900;stop-opacity:1" />
<radialGradient id="moon2Gradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:#ff00ff;stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#9900ff;stop-opacity:1" />
<radialGradient id="moon3Gradient" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
<stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:#00ff00;stop-opacity:1" />
<stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:#00cc00;stop-opacity:1" />
<filter id="shadowFilter" x="-30%" y="-30%" width="160%" height="160%">
<feDropShadow dx="0" dy="0" stdDeviation="4" flood-color="#000000" flood-opacity="0.5" />
<filter id="craterFilter">
<feOffset dx="1" dy="1" in="SourceAlpha" result="offset" />
<feGaussianBlur in="offset" stdDeviation="1" result="blur" />
<feSpecularLighting in="blur" surfaceScale="2" specularConstant="0.75" specularExponent="20" lighting-color="#999999" result="specular">
<fePointLight x="-5000" y="-10000" z="20000" />
<feComposite in="specular" in2="SourceAlpha" operator="in" result="composite" />
<feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="composite" operator="arithmetic" k1="0" k2="1" k3="1" k4="0" result="litPaint" />
<!-- Space background -->
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#000000" />
<!-- Stars -->
<g filter="url(#shadowFilter)">
<circle cx="30" cy="20" r="0.5" fill="#ffffff" />
<circle cx="230" cy="50" r="0.8" fill="#ff9900" />
<circle cx="120" cy="80" r="1.2" fill="#ffcc00" />
<circle cx="200" cy="50" r="0.7" fill="#ffffff" />
<circle cx="230" cy="70" r="1.0" fill="#ff9900" />
<circle cx="250" cy="25" r="0.9" fill="#ffcc00" />
<circle cx="15" cy="200" r="0.5" fill="#ffffff" />
<circle cx="25" cy="230" r="0.8" fill="#ff9900" />
<circle cx="75" cy="190" r="1.0" fill="#ffcc00" />
<circle cx="125" cy="230" r="0.7" fill="#ffffff" />
<!-- Add more stars here -->
<circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="url(#planetGradient)" filter="url(#shadowFilter)" /> <!-- Planet body -->
<g transform="rotate(0 150 150)">
<circle cx="260" cy="70" r="10" fill="url(#moon1Gradient)" filter="url(#shadowFilter)">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 150 150" to="360 150 150" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<animateMotion dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite">
<mpath href="#moonPath1" />
</circle> <!-- Moon 1 -->
<circle cx="270" cy="220" r="15" fill="url(#moon2Gradient)" filter="url(#shadowFilter)">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 150 150" to="360 150 150" dur="12s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<animateMotion dur="12s" repeatCount="indefinite">
<mpath href="#moonPath2" />
</circle> <!-- Moon 2 -->
<circle cx="235" cy="210" r="12" fill="url(#moon3Gradient)" filter="url(#shadowFilter)">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 150 150" to="360 150 150" dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
<animateMotion dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite">
<mpath href="#moonPath3" />
</circle> <!-- Moon 3 -->
<circle id="moonPath1" cx="150" cy="150" r="90" fill="none" />
<circle id="moonPath2" cx="150" cy="150" r="110" fill="none" />
<circle id="moonPath3" cx="150" cy="150" r="130" fill="none" />
<circle cx="150" cy="150" r="60" fill="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)" filter="url(#shadowFilter)" /> <!-- Shadow -->
<!-- Craters -->
<circle cx="100" cy="120" r="7" fill="#888858" filter="url(#craterFilter)" />
<circle cx="170" cy="180" r="10" fill="#878888" filter="url(#craterFilter)" />
<circle cx="130" cy="240" r="8" fill="#888858" filter="url(#craterFilter)" />
<circle cx="70" cy="190" r="9" fill="#878888" filter="url(#craterFilter)" />
In order to make this SVG work on-chain with no external links to IPFS or other storage services we will start by creating a library to house this asset.
Open the SVG.sol file in the contracts folder, and add in the following code:
Click to show the SVG Library
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
library SVG {
function load(
string memory rgb,
uint8[] memory speeds
) public pure returns (bytes memory) {
return abi.encodePacked(
"<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>",
"<radialGradient id='planetGradient' cx='50%' cy='50%' r='50%' fx='50%' fy='50%'>",
"<stop offset='0%' style='stop-color: rbg(",rgb,");stop-opacity:1' />",
"<stop offset='100%' style='stop-color:#666666;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<radialGradient id='moon1Gradient' cx='50%' cy='50%' r='50%' fx='50%' fy='50%'>",
"<stop offset='0%' style='stop-color:#ffcc00;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<stop offset='100%' style='stop-color:#ff9900;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<radialGradient id='moon2Gradient' cx='50%' cy='50%' r='50%' fx='50%' fy='50%'>",
"<stop offset='0%' style='stop-color:#ff00ff;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<stop offset='100%' style='stop-color:#9900ff;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<radialGradient id='moon3Gradient' cx='50%' cy='50%' r='50%' fx='50%' fy='50%'>",
"<stop offset='0%' style='stop-color:#00ff00;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<stop offset='100%' style='stop-color:#00cc00;stop-opacity:1' />",
"<filter id='shadowFilter' x='-30%' y='-30%' width='160%' height='160%'>",
"<feDropShadow dx='0' dy='0' stdDeviation='4' flood-color='#000000' flood-opacity='0.5' />",
"<filter id='craterFilter'>",
"<feOffset dx='1' dy='1' in='SourceAlpha' result='offset' />",
"<feGaussianBlur in='offset' stdDeviation='1' result='blur' />",
"<feSpecularLighting in='blur' surfaceScale='2' specularConstant='0.75' specularExponent='20' lighting-color='#999999' result='specular'>",
"<fePointLight x='-5000' y='-10000' z='20000' />",
"<feComposite in='specular' in2='SourceAlpha' operator='in' result='composite' />",
"<feComposite in='SourceGraphic' in2='composite' operator='arithmetic' k1='0' k2='1' k3='1' k4='0' result='litPaint' />",
"<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='#000000' />",
"<g filter='url(#shadowFilter)'>",
"<circle cx='30' cy='20' r='0.5' fill='#ffffff' />",
"<circle cx='230' cy='50' r='0.8' fill='#ff9900' />",
"<circle cx='120' cy='80' r='1.2' fill='#ffcc00' />",
"<circle cx='200' cy='50' r='0.7' fill='#ffffff' />",
"<circle cx='230' cy='70' r='1.0' fill='#ff9900' />",
"<circle cx='250' cy='25' r='0.9' fill='#ffcc00' />",
"<circle cx='15' cy='200' r='0.5' fill='#ffffff' />",
"<circle cx='25' cy='230' r='0.8' fill='#ff9900' />",
"<circle cx='75' cy='190' r='1.0' fill='#ffcc00' />",
"<circle cx='125' cy='230' r='0.7' fill='#ffffff' />",
"<circle cx='150' cy='150' r='100' fill='url(#planetGradient)' filter='url(#shadowFilter)' />",
"<g transform='rotate(0 150 150)'>",
"<circle cx='260' cy='70' r='10' fill='url(#moon1Gradient)' filter='url(#shadowFilter)'>",
"<animateTransform attributeName='transform' type='rotate' from='0 150 150' to='360 150 150' dur='",Strings.toString(speeds[0]),"s' repeatCount='indefinite' />",
"<animateMotion dur='8s' repeatCount='indefinite'>",
"<mpath href='#moonPath1' />",
"<circle cx='270' cy='220' r='15' fill='url(#moon2Gradient)' filter='url(#shadowFilter)'>",
"<animateTransform attributeName='transform' type='rotate' from='0 150 150' to='360 150 150' dur='",Strings.toString(speeds[1]),"s' repeatCount='indefinite' />",
"<animateMotion dur='12s' repeatCount='indefinite'>",
"<mpath href='#moonPath2' />",
"<circle cx='235' cy='210' r='12' fill='url(#moon3Gradient)' filter='url(#shadowFilter)'>",
"<animateTransform attributeName='transform' type='rotate' from='0 150 150' to='360 150 150' dur='",Strings.toString(speeds[2]),"s' repeatCount='indefinite' />",
"<animateMotion dur='10s' repeatCount='indefinite'>",
"<mpath href='#moonPath3' />",
"<circle id='moonPath1' cx='150' cy='150' r='90' fill='none' />",
"<circle id='moonPath2' cx='150' cy='150' r='110' fill='none' />",
"<circle id='moonPath3' cx='150' cy='150' r='130' fill='none' />",
"<circle cx='150' cy='150' r='60' fill='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)' filter='url(#shadowFilter)' />",
"<circle cx='100' cy='120' r='7' fill='#888858' filter='url(#craterFilter)' />",
"<circle cx='170' cy='180' r='10' fill='#878888' filter='url(#craterFilter)' />",
"<circle cx='130' cy='240' r='8' fill='#888858' filter='url(#craterFilter)' />",
"<circle cx='70' cy='190' r='9' fill='#878888' filter='url(#craterFilter)' />",
In the above Solidity library we have created a dynamic on-chain SVG. This SVG has the ability to generate any number of possibilities by dynamically changing based on the Solidity parameters.
Create Encoder Library for Metadata
The next step of the process is to handle encoding the SVG. This is what will allow us to output an ERC-721 compatible set of Metadata even with having all of the data on-chain. Open up the Encoder.sol file and add the following code:
Click to show the Encoder Library
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
library Encoder {
using Strings for uint256;
function encodeSVG(bytes memory _svg) internal pure returns (string memory) {
return string(abi.encodePacked(
// return _svg;
function encodeNFTMetadata(string memory name, string memory description, string memory image) internal pure returns (string memory) {
return string(abi.encodePacked(
'"name": "', name, '", ',
'"description":"', description, '", ',
'"image": "', image, '"',
Complete Smart Contract
The next step is to finish setting up the minting portion of the contract. The minting portion should use the RNG contract that has been inherited to generate six (6) random numbers. The first three will be used for color and the last three will be used for speeds.
Click to see the new code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@dirtroad/skale-rng/contracts/RNG.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "./SVG.sol";
import "./Encoder.sol";
contract DynamicNFT is RNG, ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl {
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
Counters.Counter public tokenIdCounter;
mapping(uint256 => string) public colors;
mapping(uint256 => uint8[]) public speeds;
constructor() ERC721("DynamicNFT", "DNFT") {
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
_grantRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender);
function safeMint(address to) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
uint256 tokenId = tokenIdCounter.current();
_safeMint(to, tokenId);
uint8 arrSize = 6;
uint8[] memory randomNumbers = new uint8[](arrSize);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
if (i < 3) {
randomNumbers[i] = uint8(getNextRandomRange(i, 255));
} else {
randomNumbers[i] = uint8(1 + getNextRandomRange(i, 36));
colors[tokenIdCounter.current()] = string.concat(Strings.toString(randomNumbers[0]), ",", Strings.toString(randomNumbers[1]), ",", Strings.toString(randomNumbers[2]));
speeds[tokenIdCounter.current()] = [randomNumbers[3], randomNumbers[4], randomNumbers[5]]
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, uint256 batchSize)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId, batchSize);
function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage) {
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage)
returns (string memory)
return super.tokenURI(tokenId);
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl)
returns (bool)
return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
After updating the mint function, it is now time to handle rendering the dynamic SVG properly.
Click to see the new code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@dirtroad/skale-rng/contracts/RNG.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import "./SVG.sol";
import "./Encoder.sol";
contract DynamicNFT is RNG, ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl {
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
Counters.Counter public tokenIdCounter;
mapping(uint256 => string) public colors;
mapping(uint256 => uint8[]) public speeds;
constructor() ERC721("DynamicNFT", "DNFT") {
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
_grantRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender);
function safeMint(address to) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
uint256 tokenId = tokenIdCounter.current();
_safeMint(to, tokenId);
uint8 arrSize = 6;
uint8[] memory randomNumbers = new uint8[](arrSize);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
if (i < 3) {
randomNumbers[i] = uint8(getNextRandomRange(i, 255));
} else {
randomNumbers[i] = uint8(1 + getNextRandomRange(i, 36));
colors[tokenIdCounter.current()] = string.concat(Strings.toString(randomNumbers[0]), ",", Strings.toString(randomNumbers[1]), ",", Strings.toString(randomNumbers[2]));
speeds[tokenIdCounter.current()] = [randomNumbers[3], randomNumbers[4], randomNumbers[5]];
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, uint256 batchSize)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId, batchSize);
function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage) {
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
override(ERC721, ERC721URIStorage)
returns (string memory)
return Encoder.encodeNFTMetadata(
"Dynamic NFT Smart Contract",
Encoder.encodeSVG(SVG.load(colors[tokenId], speeds[tokenId]))
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage, AccessControl)
returns (bool)
return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
Preparing for Deployment
Congratulations! IF you have made it this far you should have a functional NFT contract that isn’t throwing errors at you. However, how do we test that it works? The next step in the process will require us to jump back into Typescript and Hardhat and setup a deployment pipeline.
Open up the deploy.ts file in your deploy folder. It should be completely empty. Add in the following code:
Click to see the code
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from 'hardhat/types';
import { DeployFunction } from 'hardhat-deploy/types';
const func: DeployFunction = async function(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
const { deployments, getNamedAccounts } = hre;
const { deploy } = deployments;
const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts();
/** Deploys Encoder Library Separately */
await deploy(
from: deployer,
log: true,
/** Deploys SVG Library Separately */
await deploy(
from: deployer,
log: true,
/** Deploys DynamicNFT Contract */
await deploy(
from: deployer,
log: true,
libraries: {
Encoder: (await deployments.get("Encoder")).address,
SVG: (await deployments.get("SVG")).address
export default func;
func.tags = ["default"]
Deploying your Smart Contract
The next step is to deploy your smart contract on the SKALE Chaos Testnet. Thanks to all the hard work setting everything up at the beginning - you can now do this by running a single command:
npx hardhat deploy
The network, accounts, scripts, etc should all be picked up automatically. If you run into issues and cannot by pass this step, head over to the SKALE Developer Discord and Ask for Help!, otherwise, you should a contract address and transaction hash show up in the command prompt.
The last part of this recipe is to create a frontend to mint NFTs and view them. The frontend will be a Next.js application that is created from the RainbowKit CLI tool.
Want to test the above and not build the frontend? You can either skip down to Mint and NFT or run
git clone -b recipe-dynamic-nft [email protected]:skalenetwork/recipes.git && cd 3-frontend/dynamic-nft-contract/frontend && npm install
and go into
Initialize the Frontend
First make sure you are in the dynamic-nft-contract directory. You should have one sub-directory called smart-contracts. Then run the following in your command prompt:
npm init @rainbow-me/rainbowkit@latest
It will ask for a name of your dApp, enter frontend. It may take a few minutes depending on your internet and computer to set everything up.
Once finished, enter into the frontend directory by running:
cd frontend
Update Web3 Configuration
To start, update the _app.tsx file in the pages directory to match the following:
Click to see the code
import '../styles/globals.css';
import '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/styles.css';
import { getDefaultWallets, RainbowKitProvider } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app';
import { configureChains, createConfig, WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi';
import {
} from 'wagmi/chains';
import { publicProvider } from "wagmi/providers/public";
const { chains, publicClient, webSocketPublicClient } = configureChains(
rpcUrls: {
default: {
webSocket: ["wss://staging-v3.skalenodes.com/v1/ws/staging-fast-active-bellatrix"]
public: {
webSocket: ["wss://staging-v3.skalenodes.com/v1/ws/staging-fast-active-bellatrix"]
const { connectors } = getDefaultWallets({
appName: 'RainbowKit App',
projectId: '<your-project-id-here>',
const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
autoConnect: true,
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<WagmiConfig config={wagmiConfig}>
<RainbowKitProvider chains={chains}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
The above changes will add support for SKALEs Chaos Testnet as well as Websocket support within Viem which we need to read data from the SKALE Chain. |
Add Web3 Hooks
Next create a new file in the root frontend directory called hooks.ts. Add the following into your hooks file,
Click to see the code
import { useAccount, useContractWrite, useWebSocketPublicClient } from "wagmi";
import ContractConfig from "../smart-contracts/deployments/chaos/DynamicNFT.json";
abi: ContractConfig.abi,
address: ContractConfig.address as `0x${string}`,
interface IState {
address: string | undefined;
balance: number | bigint;
tokensOwned: {
uri: string;
tokenId: number | bigint;
export default function useAppData() {
const wss = useWebSocketPublicClient();
const { address } = useAccount();
const getBalance = async () => {
const res = await wss?.readContract({
functionName: "balanceOf",
args: [address]
return res as bigint;
const getOwnedTokens = async() => {
const balance = await getBalance();
const ownedTokenIds = await Promise.all(
Array.from({ length: Number(balance)}, (_, i) => {
return wss?.readContract({
functionName: "tokenOfOwnerByIndex",
args: [address, i]
const tokenURIs = await Promise.all(
Array.from({ length: ownedTokenIds.length }, (_, i) => {
return wss?.readContract({
functionName: "tokenURI",
args: [(ownedTokenIds[i] as bigint) + BigInt(1)]
return tokenURIs.map((uri, i: number) => {
return {
tokenId: ownedTokenIds[i]
} as {
uri: string,
tokenId: bigint
const setup = async(state: IState, setState: any) => {
balance: await getBalance(),
tokensOwned: await getOwnedTokens()
return {
The setup function calls the getBalance and getOwnedTokens functions. These combined load the gallery directly from the deployed smart contract which is linked in from the smart-contracts directory in the project.
This functionality will only be possible with the ERC721Enumerable extension which makes it easier to iterate through which NFTs are owned by a wallet. Additionally, this example is not using Multicall; however, the reads can be sped up by adding in Multicall. |
Building the Gallery
Now use the hooks to create the gallery that will render on the main page of the dApp. Update the following files to add in a gallery to your application:
Click to see pages/index.tsx
import { ConnectButton } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
import type { NextPage } from 'next';
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css';
import { ApplicationHead } from '../components';
import useAppData from '../hooks';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Image from 'next/image';
interface IState {
address: string | undefined;
balance: number | bigint;
tokensOwned: {
uri: string;
tokenId: number | bigint;
const Home: NextPage = () => {
const { address, setup} = useAppData();
const [state, setState] = useState<IState>({
address: undefined,
balance: 0,
tokensOwned: []
useEffect(() => {
if (address) {
setup(state, setState);
}, [address])
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
setup(state, setState);
}, 5000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<ApplicationHead />
<main className={styles.main}>
<nav className={styles.nav}>
<div className={styles.title}>
<h2>Dynamic NFT</h2>
<div className={styles.connectWallet}>
<ConnectButton />
<div className={styles.gallery}>
{state.tokensOwned && state.tokensOwned.length === 0
? "No Tokens Owned :("
: (
<div className={styles.item}>
{state.tokensOwned && state.tokensOwned.map((token, index: number) => {
const json = Buffer.from(token.uri.substring(29), "base64").toString();
const result = JSON.parse(json);
return (
<img key={index} src={result["image"]} alt ="Hi" />
export default Home;
Click to see styles/globals.css
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, Oxygen,
Ubuntu, Cantarell, Fira Sans, Droid Sans, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif;
a {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
Click to see styles/Home.module.css
.container {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;
.main {
min-height: 100vh;
background: seashell;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.nav {
height: 150px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.title {
margin: 0 5%;
.gallery {
width: 90%;
min-height: calc(100vh - 150px);
height: auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: space-between;
margin: 0 5%;
.item {
width: auto;
position: relative;
height: 300px;
.item img {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
border-radius: 32px;
.item:nth-child(odd) img {
margin: 0 8px;
Add Minting Functionality
The last step is to add the ability to mint NFTs from a connected wallet. Update the following files to add minting functionality:
Click to see hooks.ts
import { useAccount, useContractWrite, useWebSocketPublicClient } from "wagmi";
import ContractConfig from "../smart-contracts/deployments/chaos/DynamicNFT.json";
abi: ContractConfig.abi,
address: ContractConfig.address as `0x${string}`,
interface IState {
address: string | undefined;
balance: number | bigint;
tokensOwned: {
uri: string;
tokenId: number | bigint;
export default function useAppData() {
const wss = useWebSocketPublicClient();
const { address } = useAccount();
const getBalance = async () => {
const res = await wss?.readContract({
functionName: "balanceOf",
args: [address]
return res as bigint;
const getOwnedTokens = async() => {
const balance = await getBalance();
const ownedTokenIds = await Promise.all(
Array.from({ length: Number(balance)}, (_, i) => {
return wss?.readContract({
functionName: "tokenOfOwnerByIndex",
args: [address, i]
const tokenURIs = await Promise.all(
Array.from({ length: ownedTokenIds.length }, (_, i) => {
return wss?.readContract({
functionName: "tokenURI",
args: [(ownedTokenIds[i] as bigint) + BigInt(1)]
return tokenURIs.map((uri, i: number) => {
return {
tokenId: ownedTokenIds[i]
} as {
uri: string,
tokenId: bigint
const setup = async(state: IState, setState: any) => {
balance: await getBalance(),
tokensOwned: await getOwnedTokens()
const safeMint = useContractWrite({
functionName: "safeMint",
args: [address]
return {
Click to see pages/index.tsx
import { ConnectButton } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
import type { NextPage } from 'next';
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css';
import { ApplicationHead } from '../components';
import useAppData from '../hooks';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Image from 'next/image';
interface IState {
address: string | undefined;
balance: number | bigint;
tokensOwned: {
uri: string;
tokenId: number | bigint;
const Home: NextPage = () => {
const { address, safeMint, setup} = useAppData();
const [state, setState] = useState<IState>({
address: undefined,
balance: 0,
tokensOwned: []
useEffect(() => {
if (address) {
setup(state, setState);
}, [address])
const updateGallery = async() => {
await setup(state, setState);
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
setup(state, setState);
}, 5000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<ApplicationHead />
<main className={styles.main}>
<nav className={styles.nav}>
<div className={styles.title}>
<h2>Dynamic NFT</h2>
<div className={styles.connectWallet}>
<ConnectButton />
<div className={styles.gallery}>
{state.tokensOwned && state.tokensOwned.length === 0
? "No Tokens Owned :("
: (
<div className={styles.item}>
{state.tokensOwned && state.tokensOwned.map((token, index: number) => {
const json = Buffer.from(token.uri.substring(29), "base64").toString();
const result = JSON.parse(json);
return (
<img key={index} src={result["image"]} alt ="Hi" />
<div className={!safeMint.isIdle ? styles.loading : styles.mint}>
<button className={!safeMint.isIdle ? styles.animated : undefined} onClick={() => safeMint.write()} disabled={!safeMint.isIdle}>
{!safeMint.isIdle ? <p>↻</p> : <p>+</p>}
export default Home;
Click to see styles/Home.module.css
.container {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;
.main {
min-height: 100vh;
background: seashell;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.nav {
height: 150px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
.title {
margin: 0 5%;
.gallery {
width: 90%;
min-height: calc(100vh - 150px);
height: auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: space-between;
margin: 0 5%;
.item {
width: auto;
position: relative;
height: 300px;
.item img {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
border-radius: 32px;
.item:nth-child(odd) img {
margin: 0 8px;
.loading {
position: absolute;
bottom: 5%;
right: 5%;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
.mint button,
.loading button {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border-radius: 50%;
font-size: 2rem;
background: none;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.mint button:hover {
background: black;
cursor: pointer;
.loading button {
color: #29FF94;
border: 1px solid #29FF94;
animation-play-state: running;
animation-name: spin;
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
.mint button {
border: 1px solid #00BAFF;
color: #00BAFF;
@keyframes spin {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
Mint a Dynamic NFT
The final step is this process is to mint a dynamic NFT. To do so, we will use hardhat tasks.
There is a known issue related to Hardhat when running this task. You may see a TypeError: missing r related error. If so, the transaction was still successful and this should be fixed in the near future with an update to Hardhat/Ethers. This is not a SKALE issue. |
Adding a Mint Task
Start by heading into the smart-contracts folder and create a new file called tasks.ts:
touch tasks.ts
Open this file and add in the following code:
Click to view the code
import { task } from "hardhat/config";
task("mint", "Mint an NFT")
.setAction( async (_, hre) => {
const { ethers, deployments, getNamedAccounts } = hre;
const [ signer ] = await ethers.getSigners();
const contractConfig = await deployments.get("DynamicNFT");
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractConfig.address, contractConfig.abi, signer);
const mint = await contract.safeMint(signer.address);
console.log("NFT Minted Successfully: ", mint);
Once complete, update the hardhat.config.ts file by adding
underneath the last import.
It should look like the following:import "./tasks"
Click to view the code
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "hardhat-deploy";
import "hardhat-deploy-ethers";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import "./tasks";
* Allows the script to access process.env
* This section checks for a PRIVATE_KEY value in the .env file
* If no value is found it will throw the error
const PRIVATE_KEY: string | undefined = (process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string | undefined);
throw new Error("Private Key Not Found");
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
defaultNetwork: "chaos",
solidity: "0.8.19",
namedAccounts: {
deployer: 0
networks: {
chaos: {
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
url: "https://staging-v3.skalenodes.com/v1/staging-fast-active-bellatrix"
export default config;