Administration Overview

SKALE Chain owners have special privileges for managing their SKALE Chain, Filestorage, and IMA Bridge settings. The following is a summary of those settings:

Managing Ownership using a Multisig Contract

With newer SKALE Chains, you can assign administrative and other roles to a Multisig contract and define a threshold number of signatures required to confirm and execute transactions.

There are several ways to do this:

Using Gnosis SAFE on Ethereum is the recommend approach to assigning SKALE Chain ownership since it provides the greatest flexibility to owners.

Once SKALE Chain ownership is assigned to an address, that address cannot be changed for SKALE Chain specific SKALE Manager and IMA Mainnet administration methods. Assigning ownership to a Gnosis SAFE address offers that SAFE’s owners the ability to modify signers/owners at any time.
Table 1. Comparison of Multisig Approaches
Gnosis SAFE on Ethereum Gnosis Multisig on SKALE

Administration performed through Ethereum transactions

Limited administration performed through SKALE Chain transactions

Can administer:

  • SKALE Manager (e.g. deleteSchain, schainOwnerWallet)

  • SKALE Chain configs

  • Etherbase

  • Filestorage

  • IMA SKALE chain contracts

  • IMA mainnet contracts

Can administer:

  • SKALE Chain configs

  • Etherbase

  • Filestorage

  • IMA SKALE chain contracts

Each transaction requires Mainnet Ethereum gas

Each transaction is zero-cost gas on SKALE

Uses the latest Gnosis SAFE contracts and UI

Uses older and depreciated MultiSigWallet contracts and UI

Uses IMA Bridge to transfer SAFE messages to SKALE

Doesn’t require the IMA Bridge

Fallback option to use the predeployed MultiSigWallet on SKALE

No fallback option