Using is an open source smart contract marketplace. Easily search, upload, download, deploy, manage and integrate any Solidity smart contract into your app.

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Cookbook in Action!

The following video showcases how easy it is to deploy a smart contract on a SKALE Testnet chain in under a minute. No faucets, no friction.

SKALE is the only blockchain network that doesn’t charge you to go-live. SKALE now with Cookbook!

Deploying a Soulbound NFT on SKALE’s CHAOS Testnet with Cookbook

How To Use Cookbook

The following sections will help guide you through using the no-code deployment tools seen in the example video above. You will learn how to search, deploy, and view your deployed smart contracts.

Search on the smart contract registry

Start by navigating to Cookbook and search for the smart contract you would like to use or deploy.

You can try searching for topics such as token or dao.
Cookbook Search

Using No Code Deployment

Once you have chosen your smart contract, proceed by clicking on No-Code Deploy.

  • It is recommended to use the No-Code Deployment option as it will handle SKALE Chain access and sFUEL ("gas token") distribution for you.

  • Other options such as Remix, ChainIDE, and manual deployment may require additional steps that are not listed here.

  • Want to explore these options? Join the SKALE Discord and ask for assistance.

Cookbook Contract

You can now configure your smart contract with the parameters you want. In the example below, you would put in the name of your token (eg. TOKEN) , the token symbol (eg. SYM), the total supply (eg. 100000), and lastly the selection of 0 or 18 for NFT or ERC-20. Once all the fields are filled in, select Pick Chain

Cookbook Deploy

Navigate to the SKALE tab and select your preferred chain. Be sure to click Get sFUEL if you don’t have any.

Cookbook Chain Pick

Check your deployed smart contract on Dashboard

Once the smart contract is deployed, you may check the address on the "My Dashboard" page. On this page you can:

  • Download the ABI, Bytecode, Source Code, or Verification Data

  • Read directly from the contract

  • Write directly to the contract (if you have permission to do so)

Cookbook Manage

Additional Resources